NVC SET: Officer Application

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Thank you for your interest in an OFFICER POSITION with our NVC Student Event Team!

The STUDENT EVENT TEAM is a group of students who work together to program various events and opportunities centered around socials, wellness and diversity.  We want to create a college experience where all NVC students can connect through online, on campus and even off campus events/opportunities! 

To be considered for a SET Officer Position you must:

  • Be enrolled at NVC for at least 6 hrs (will consider less hours on a case by case basis)
  • Be able to attend at least 80% of all officer meetings
  • Be able to co-lead and participate in activities (at least 80% of scheduled activities/events) during the day and evenings
    (you will know far in advance & you will be involved in the scheduling of these events well in advance)
  • Be able to complete 4 office hours in the Student Life Office each week if you apply to serve and are selected to be an officer. (based on your schedule)
When do you plan to graduate?
What officer position are you interested in? (Check as many as you would like)
Select the top 3 words that best describe you from the list below.  If there is a words that is not listed that you would like to include as one of your top three, please feel free to share it!
Select from the list below, the top two areas you would like to improve on: